Table of Contents

Process Documentation

Current RFC Status

RFC Title State Primary Author Impacts Created
001 Support versioning of modules DRAFT Simon Johnston :grammar: <2023-12-07 Thu>
002 Event Protocols WITHDRAWN Simon Johnston :grammar: <2023-12-07 Thu>
003 Remove groups from product types APPROVED Simon Johnston :grammar: <2023-12-07 Thu>
004 Move to Type-State Entities DRAFT Simon Johnston :semantics: <2023-12-20 Wed>
005 Explicit RDF definitions APPROVED Simon Johnston :grammar: <2024-01-18 Thu>

1. DRAFT Support versioning of modules   grammar

Current RFC Document

2. WITHDRAWN Event Protocols   grammar

Current RFC Document

3. APPROVED Remove groups from product types   grammar

Current RFC Document

4. DRAFT Move to Type-State Entities   semantics

Current RFC Document

5. APPROVED Explicit RDF definitions

Current RFC Document

Created: 2024-01-18 Thu 08:47